Saturday, May 06, 2006

Using Mind Control and Self Mind Control to improve yourself and others

One of my friends asked me in a private email awhile ago whether or not it was worth using Mind Control to nudge someone in a certain direction when the person was inclined to do something else instead.

Well, it depends.

And we can sure use Mind Control to help condition ourselves and others. For instance, check out Pavlov. Check out Andrew Salter's book and research. Remember the movie the Manchurian Candidate? :-)

What's easier, though, to change the world?

Or to change yourself so you can havemore influence on the world?

My friend, Dr. La Tourrette tells the time he went into a pawn shop where he's spent TENS of thousands of dollars on their stuff.

They know him real well and like it when he goes in there to spend money.

So one day he went in there in jeans and a t-shirt. He was in there several minutes, walking around, looking at the merchandise, andthey ignored him.

So he left and went somewhere else instead.

Later he decided to go back in, and this time he put on a nice sports jacket and his good (expensive!) hat.

As soon as he walked in, they said, "HEY, Doc! How you doing today? Good to see you!"

Is it right? Is it fair? Shouldn't other people give us the service we deserve?

Maybe it's not right and it's not fair... But that's how it is.

Like my grandma always used to say, "Nothing in life is fair."

Life is what you MAKE of it. Most people are on autopilot and do not know it. Nor do they understand what it is that motivates themselves and others. So anyway, people learn Mind Control techniques -- whether the NLP / hypnosis seduction patterns or the psychic influence or whatever -- with the intent to go get someoneto like them. They run the patterns they know, and they get someone all goo-goo eyed over them.

They might even "score" with the person.

Then after a couple of dates, they are bewildered that the person is no longer interested in them.

Why not?Well, because they tried to use techniques ON someone else and neglected to use the techniques to improve themselves so they could become the kind of person that naturally attracts others.

Or maybe they didn't have clarity on what type of person they wanted to be with.

I remember one time at the Huna Convention (you can write to Rev. Vince Wingo at for info on the Huna Convention coming up in July) Doc showed us a neat and fun way to find out one of the main driver Meta Programs that people have, and he told me what kind of person I would be compatible with.

I thought that was real interesting. Then I started to wonder what I would need to do to attract other types of people too. Now I'm thinking, wow, Doc sure did give me some real good advice back then! I think I like it!

We'll get more into Meta Programs and how to use them in a future newsletter.

So when you go out to influence someone to like you, instead of focusing on how you think you "need" that specific person, instead take a moment to figureout what QUALITIES in a person are important to you.

And what can you also provide them that is of value to them. This is one reason why the ENERGY MEDICINE and ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY techniques that Doc teaches are so important.

Those techniques actually HEAL your energy field and start to make positive change in your life. They drastically improve the way you are able to relate with and connect with others.

In an upcoming newsletter, I'll show you how you can start to recognize and use Meta Programs to speak the same language the other person is speaking, so they feel as if you've already known each other for a long time, even if you just met (or even if you've never even seen each other before! Those of you who like to use the personal ads to meet people will LOVE this information!!!).

Thanks again for subscribing! I look forward to talking with you again real soon in the next newsletter!

Sincerely,Jim Knippenberg

P.S. You can find out more about Dr. John M. La Tourrette at his yahoogroups and .

Rev. Vince Wingo's yahoo group can be found at .

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